華道体験の様子 Flower arrangement class






Flower arrangement has been passed down through generations based on ancient etiquette and influenced by the Japanese lifestyle and historical background.

”If you understand the basics of spatial harmony, you can have more freedom in flower arranging,” says instructor Ms.Risho Seo.

Flower arrangement may have an image of being difficult to enter, but once you master the basics, anyone can easily enjoy it at home or anywhere. As Ms. Seo said, “Let’s talk to the flowers, they will be happy,” all the participants were able to freely communicate with the flowers. It is said that flowers have a face. It is also important to find the face of the flower and balance it so that the face is facing forward. Every piece of work created by participants freely is unique. Mini flower arrangements made at the venue can be taken home as souvenirs.

By the time the work was completed, both men and women were smiling kindly like flowers.

講師紹介  Instructor

瀬尾 理祥 先生  Ms. Rishou SEO

出身地 :神奈川県藤沢市  Birthplace:Fujisawa , Kanagawa

保有資格 Qualification

古流理苑会生花・自由華家元正教授 Professor of Ikebana and Jiyuka Iemoto, Koryu Rienkai

提供できるサービス Skills

  • 古流の伝承生花の展示と解説

  • 現代建築に合わせた小さないけばな

  • 季節のお花のある生活を提供身近な器を使った心地よい花空間作りのヒント 

  • 花を愛でる、花に触れる心豊かな和みの時間の提供

  • 大切な人へ想いを込めた記念日いけばななど、花の贈り物のサポート

  • Exhibition and explanation of traditional ikebana of the Koryu school
  • Small ikebana adapted to contemporary architecture
  • Offering life with seasonal flowers
  • Tips for creating a comfortable floral space using familiar vessels
  • Providing a heart-warming and peaceful time to appreciate and touch flowers.
  • Support for flower gifts such as anniversary ikebana to express your feelings for your loved ones

現在の取引先・顧問先 Current Business Partners


Sushi Dining Jingoro, Hospital, After School Kids Club, etc.