茶道体験の様子 Tea ceremony class      

「抹茶は昔、薬として飲まれていました」そうお話するのは講師の井比惠子先生。「茶は養生の仙薬なり。延齢の妙術なり」と鎌倉時代に臨済宗の開祖である栄西 が執筆した「喫茶養生記」にも書かれています。




“Matcha was used as a medicine in the past,” says instructor MS.Keiko Ibi. “Tea is an elixir of health. It is a magical art of longevity,” says Eisai, the founder of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism during the Kamakura period, in “Kissa Yojoki.”

When Ms. Ibi begins to make the tea, the atmosphere immediately becomes sacred, and all the participants naturally hold their breath as they watch the ceremonial gestures.

The tea room is filled with the aroma of sweet matcha  and a harmonious atmosphere.

Ms. Ibi makes tea for each person. When you drink it, you will say, “Otemae,Choudai itashimasu ” expressing gratitude to the gods and Buddha, and you will enjoy it with delicious sweets.

The teacher will carefully explain not only the etiquette of tea, but also the meaning of each tea ceremony, posture, and the spirit of Zen. Ms. Ibi also gives lessons in English, so foreigners can have a deep learning experience.

So, what does it taste like…? It was enjoyed by foreigners as well, with comments such as “It was sweet and very delicious” and “Refreshing and easy to drink.”

We have received feedback that the talk about the history of the tea ceremony was very interesting.

講師紹介  Instructor

井比 惠子 先生 MS. Keiko IBI

出身地 :東京  Birthplace:Tokyo

保有資格 Qualification


Omotesenke tea ceremony instructor, Ikenobo flower arrangement instructor, Japanese food instructor, reflexology, lymph drainage

提供できるサービス Skills

  • 海外生活、国際コミュニティに長くいたことからインバウンドで海外のお客様な相手の立場に立っておもてなし出来る事。
  • 茶の湯は『もてなしの心』と言われており、親しい人を招き、季節のお花をあしらい、食事を差し上げ、その後お薄、お濃でもてなし、主客共に真心の交わりを楽しむという日本伝統の総合芸術です。禅の教えは言葉や文字によって伝えられたものではなく、心から心で、伝えられてきたと、言われています。『茶禅一味』と言う言葉があるように茶の湯の教えも同様です。五感を通して体感して頂けたら幸いです。
  • Having lived abroad and worked in the international community for a long time, I am able to provide inbound hospitality to overseas customers from their point of view.
  • The tea ceremony is said to be “the spirit of hospitality” and is a comprehensive art form in the Japanese tradition of inviting a close friend, decorating the room with seasonal flowers, offering a meal. Both host and guest enjoy the fellowship of the heart. It is said that the teachings of Zen are not conveyed through words and letters, but from the heart and mind. As the saying goes, “The tea ceremony and Zen may seem different, but they both seek the same state of being.” Zen and the teachings of chanoyu are no different. We hope you will experience it through all five senses.

現在の取引先・顧問先 Current Business Partners 


Schools, foreign companies, companies that entertain foreigners, private lessons for executives, etc.